
Aries Monthly Horoscope

July 2024

The Moon marks their lordships in your sky this month, and this should be put to work in regards to solving your relationship problems. It is not simple to live with you; you always want to be right about everything. Venus and your ruling planet, Mars, will mark the trends for this month: love and work are the points where you should focus your attention on, but mostly your areas of dependence are on both counts. Who will not let you raise your head in your professional field? How will you heal your relationship to redirect it to areas of growth? More than the stars, the answer lies in you. The month opens with an important transit of Venus, which moves to Saturn: A common transit distances us from loved ones and business partners. Things will happen that will part us from the people we care about, and it is important not to let that happen. The passion, in all its forms, can blind, and it depends on us to bear fruit and not let negative things keep happening. There will be disagreements and distress, but you should not fear: by the 22nd, Mars, your ruling planet, moves toward Jupiter, a journey that gives you greater confidence in yourself. And you become more proactive to solve all conflicts, whether in love or work. Do not lose that momentum, and do everything in you to not to miss what has been gathered in the heart or in the company. Mars ends up at the end of the month, as opposed to the North Node, and it moves you to success, harmony, the enjoyable romance. Your best season is coming.

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